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Welcome to Primitive Christianity Digital Library!

Primitive Christianity digital library

is dedicated to those who are seeking a revival of pure, genuine biblical Christianity. By no means do we want to leave the impression that we have fully recaptured this "faith once given unto the saints" in its fullness. We continue seeking. What is here is simply sharing what we have learned.

The reader may notice an emphasis on the gospel of the kingdom on this site, in comparison with typical "Evangelicalism" that denies that the kingdom of God was established by Jesus at His first coming. This establishment of the kingdom was, and still is, the good news ... the gospel. Jesus did not come to take a part of earth to heaven; He came to bring part of heaven to earth. Forgiveness of sins, separated from becoming an obedient citizen of God's kingdom on earth, is not the gospel. Becoming a part of the kingdom of Christ means letting Jesus become King of the heart, and living according to the ethics and morals He prescribed in the Sermon on the Mount and His other teachings. One must be born again by the Spirit of God, be renewed in the inner man, to partake of this kingdom where self is an arch-enemy. Self, Satan, and the flesh are mortal enemies of the kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The call of God is for those in His kingdom to live righteously and godly in this present age. And, bless His name, Jesus has made it possible, by giving us His blood to drink!

We appreciate many various revivals of the past, as the Anabaptist, Bohemian Brethren, Waldensians, Early Methodist, and German Baptist Brethren. If you are hungering and thirsting for more of the kingdom, write to us sharing what you have found. Also, tell your Spanish and Portuguese-speaking friends about this site.

Feast well!

New to Primitive Christianity Library

Swiss Sons of Thunder cover

Swiss Sons of Thunder is the (short) biography of Jakob and Ulli Ammann. Read Swiss Sons of Thunder in pdf, or Swiss Sons of Thunder in epub, or Swiss Sons of Thunder in mobi. (The pdf is recommended, for better graphics.)

Cutting the Sacred Oak John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress is weighed in the balance ... and found wanting.


Our World and Our Wealth A message by John D. Martin in video, audio, and text formats. Best message on materialism I have heard in a long while!

Embracing the Gospel of the Kingdom. A message by John D. Martin in video, audio, and text formats. This message is fundamental in understanding the true gospel, which, as mentioned above, is the kingdom of God coming to earth at Jesus' first coming.

The Northkill Amish Massacre Video
A documentary/teaching video of a true historical event that Dean Taylor and I put together.

Scroll down for books and articles

Currently, the English part of this website does not have separate pages for books and tracts, so just scroll down to see the list. I have lots of material to add to this site in the future, and I am redesigning Primitive Christianity to be mobile-friendly, so keep checking the site every few weeks for new additions.

Search this site

Note that you can search this site below with a personalized Google search. However, this is a free service and may come with an occasional (text) ad not associated with the site. If you make a search and the results include links to sites that are immoral or offensive (you will not automatically be directed there), please notify me so I can deal with the matter.

Hard copies of books

Hard copies are available for most of the books on this page. Contact me for details.

The Spanish and Portuguese articles and books on this site are not the same as the English. Unless otherwise noted, all of the English documents posted in this website are thought to be in the public domain, free to be published for the glory of God. On a few, the copyright status is unknown. Before publishing or distributing in large quantities, please contact me.


Scenes from the Life of David Zeisberger
Scenes from the life of David Zeisberger  Very few people know who David Zeisberger was.  What a shame that the life of a dedicated missionary, right here in the USA, should go into oblivion.  David's commitment to God and to the American natives will surely stretch your commitment.  If not, God help you!
Available in pdf, mobi, and epub formats.

Bohemia Revival, Unitas Fratum
The Birth, Life, and Death of the Bohemian Revival
Six centuries ago, God moved among the Bohemian nation and produced a people bringing forth the fruits of the kingdom of God. Called the Unitas Fratum in Latin, the Jednota Bratskrá in Bohemian or Czech, and the Unity of Brothers in English, this group of brothers put to practice the teachings of Jesus, especially vigilant to keep the Sermon on the Mount.
Read the story of the birth, the life, and eventually the death of this move of God.

Through the Eye of a Needle- The Doctrine of Non-accumulation
Through the Eye of a Needle- The Doctrine of Nonaccumulation
This booklet is a bold attempt (one has to be bold to attack materialism) to turn Christians back to actually practicing the words of Jesus, rather than making a myriad of excuses.

The Secret of the Strength
The Secret of the Strength
Read online or download in pdf, epub, or mobi format.
An examination of the 15th-century "Anabaptist" movement, and how it "turned the world upside down" 500 years ago.  You may not agree with the "Anabaptists" in all their doctrine and practice (I didn't) nor the author's conclusions (I didn't), but this book will make you examine your own faith.  But what is happening among the hundreds of thousands of descendents of this move of God?

Anna Nitschmann Biography
Biography of Anna Nitschmann
Anna Nitschmann is an almost forgotten name. Born in Bohemia, she escaped with her family to Herrnhut and spent a life dedicated to serving others. This book is written for young ladies, to encourage them to total consecration, but anyone can profit from it.
Available in pdf, mobi, and epub formats.

the Mystery of the Mark- Anabaptist Missions under the Fire of God
The Mystery of the Mark- Anabaptist Missions under the Fire of God   This book by Peter Hoover looks into the beginnings of the Hutterites and compares their life and outlook with that of a 20th-century mission outreach in Africa.  Whether or not you agree with the authors opinions on mission work or not, the life of these Tirolian believers will--or at least should!--inspire you to faith in Jesus.

Pride and Humility cover
Pride and Humility by John Brenneman Available in pdf, epub, and mobi formats.

Behold the Lamb! PDF Format
The story of "the Moravians".  As well as giving us a peep into the missions of this movement, we find the amazing story that led up to their beginnings.  Stir your soul with this peep into the cogs of the missionary outreach!

The Russians' Secret
The Russians' Secret
This history (incomplete, of course) will open the eyes to the American believer who tends to think that we (English and Germans) have had a "copyright" on Christianity.  God has been at work through the ages in places we have not even imagined!  You will probably not agree with all the Russian believers' methods, doctrines, or practices- I don't- but you will probably be inspired to follow hard after the Lamb that was slain.

The Net of Faith
The Net of Faith
This work is over 500 years old, but just very recently made available to English readers.  Author Peter Chelcicky expounds how Simon Peter's fishing net became ripped and ruined when some great whales got into it and thrashed around.  Can you guess who these "whales" were?  (Hint, it had to to with the union of the church with the state...)

The Faith Worth Dying For
The Faith Worth Dying For Very good booklet!

How the Methodists Saved America
How the Circuit Riders Saved America
Did you know that many, if not most, of the early Methodists were non-resistant, refusing to bear arms in the Revolutionary War?  And that they would put out of their class meeting any lady that continued to wear lacy dresses. And yet, they eventually gained 5% of the US population. Can a non-resistant, non-conformed church affect a society in a positive way? Read on!
Note that this book is out of print, so I do not have any more hard copies at the moment.
Cover for the book On Alternative Medicine
On Alternative Medicine--Look at the Facts
This book gives an overview of some of the "Alternative Medicine" practices. Be aware of where these came from, and what they are founded upon.

The Spiritual Resurrection-Menno Simons  With ample Scripture citations, Menno expounds on the first resurrection and the power it bestows on the recipient.  Old sermon, but still relevant, because being born into the kingdom of God is still relevant.

The Martyr's Mirror
Large history of the martyrdom of the saints.

Other materials

The Problem with "The Problem of Christ" This document is a book review of the book The Problem of Christ by Christopher Gorton. His contention is that "Christ" should be replaced by "king" in our Bible. This is posted here so others can read why I think his proposition is unsound.

I add the following two links as references for those who would like more information on The Church of God, Restoration. The "Church of God" movement is my church background.
An Inside Look at the Church of God (Restoration) and Related Denominations
This pdf booklet is just what the title says it is.  See also, The Church of God Family Tree

Tracts and Articles


A Cry From the Heart

The Great Divorce

The Styrofoam Cross


Sitting in the Gates of Sodom

Will the Theologians Please Sit Down -- a Book Review

Divine Love

As Jesus Loved

Do You Really Care?

But Mine Eye Spared Thee

Not to Please Ourselves

The Unbarred Door

Come See My Zeal for the LORD!

The Greatest Thing in the World


Face the Battle Singing!


Holiness Unto the Lord

Song - Handmaid of the Lord

Innocent Amusements-Finney

The Following of Christ

Kingdom of God

Can you see the kingdom of God? --mp3 audio message

Mark of the Beast



I Don't Want It

The Danger of Riches-Wesley

The Deceitfulness of Riches

Danger of Increasing Riches-Wesley

Kingdom Economics

Through the Eye of a Needle- The Doctrine of Nonaccumulation

Practical issues

Pharmakeia-2000 A.D.

Finney on Dress

The Idolatry of Television

The Full Gospel Beard

The Fornication Puzzle

Enjoyment of the Pleasures of the Present Life- Letter of John Newton

Sustainable Living series

What's Right about Insurance?

Introduction to Caneyville Christian Community


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...


Is This That?

Primitive Christianity

The Church Fire

The Revival Spirit

Burning for Jesus

The Dead Began to Speak


Anabaptist Teaching on the New Birth

Jesus Our Scapegoat

The Supreme "IF"

Christianity-It's a Life or Death Matter