Tracts and Articles
Divine Love
Come See My Zeal for the LORD!
Mark of the Beast
Danger of Increasing Riches-Wesley
Through the Eye of a Needle- The Doctrine of Nonaccumulation
Practical issues
Enjoyment of the Pleasures of the Present Life- Letter of John Newton
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...
The View from Resurrection Acres

The view from Resurrection Acres is a series of articles being written for a
advertising paper.
These articles are
not necessarily written primarily for spiritual
nourishment, yet they do reflect a Christian viewpoint in dealing with
the world about us. I intend to keep adding more articles as
time goes, so check back in every now and then.
Sustainable Living
Defining Sustainable LivingWhy Sustain?
Sustainability Politics
Fill the Earth
Tilling the Land
Damaged Dirt
Living Dirt
God's Fertilizer Factories
Sustaining Hard Work
Of Mirrors and Millionaires
No-till + No Spray =???
To Be or Not to Be Organic
The Worst Erosion
Icy Dreams
Biomass Gasifiers
The Ultimate Alternative Energy Source
Pedal Power
The "C" Word
Harvesting the Wind
Storing Energy in Weights
Harvesting Gravity
Nature's Ice-maker